Connecting creatively with families
THe Project
Seek involved Tough Dough working with families in Madron to scavenge and collect outdoors, sharing ideas and creative experiences together.
The emphasis was on engaging children and adults in the natural world and support wellbeing.
Families explored connections to each other, their village and its surrounding environment.

Weekly creative adventures
Focusing on Senses
Each session began with a visit to Madron’s churchyard where everyone focussed on their senses by listening to and observing nature. This was followed by collecting natural objects and quick drawings. Back at the school the families explored these ideas through paintings and collages. Over the weeks a great number of colourful Autumn inspired artworks were created.
Making a positive difference
Tough Dough designed the sessions, in discussion with the headteacher of St Maddern’s C. of E. Primary School to support the needs of the families involved.
The agreed aim was to encourage parents and carers to engage with the children and enjoy the local environment.
‘Seek, made parents and carers see that they could successfully contribute to their child’s learning. A project centred around the family was exactly what the school community needed. Outdoor and art activities provided the perfect low threat way to engage families. It gave parents and carers space and permission to be playful and creative together.’
Headteacher St Maddern’s